I just had my first cycle of the new treatment and whilst I realise it is only early days, it seemed to be better than the previous, as far as how it affects me. Rather than a full-blown hit in one day and taking up to 10 days to start to feel half normal, it is spread out over 2 weeks. So just feels like waking up with a very large hangover every day and it not going away, would be the best description I can give. The side effects with this treatment are mainly peeling and blistering of the feet and hands. This is already prevalent and am using Hemp oil to combat it getting too bad. I have my first check up with the doctor next Wednesday and am hoping to get another scan done, as the last was back in January. Hoping to see positive results again, fingers crossed.
As my results since starting Chemo have been so good, I now face the demons in the back of my mind telling me this can't continue forever and a relapse may occur, as the doctor so kindly told me last visit (thanks doctor). I fight this thinking and remain strong in my thought process, and hoping the next lot of results will kill these unwanted thoughts. My Beautiful Wife and Son are by my side everyday giving me all the support they can, and i have family and friends from all over the country calling me to let me know they are here for me. Thank you to everyone without this support I would be curled up in the corner somewhere letting this terrible disease beat me.
As my results since starting Chemo have been so good, I now face the demons in the back of my mind telling me this can't continue forever and a relapse may occur, as the doctor so kindly told me last visit (thanks doctor). I fight this thinking and remain strong in my thought process, and hoping the next lot of results will kill these unwanted thoughts. My Beautiful Wife and Son are by my side everyday giving me all the support they can, and i have family and friends from all over the country calling me to let me know they are here for me. Thank you to everyone without this support I would be curled up in the corner somewhere letting this terrible disease beat me.
I find it difficult to understand why a health professional would put a dampener on good results rather than be positive and encourageing about present results.M.I.L.