Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time to Attack

Today I sit here in the Chemo unit attached to a drip which is releasing new warfare into my body to hopefully stop the current onslaught of the Cancer. I went back to see Dr K on Monday and yes my cancer cell count is still rising rapidly, now up to 165.
We spoke in depth about the new treatment. At the end of the day it is very similar to the first treatment I had just a couple of different drugs. First round treatment had a dramatic effect on the cancer to the point of slaughtering my bowel tumor. Dr K told me in no uncertain terms second round treatment is nowhere near as effective as the first so don’t expect similar results.
We did have a conversation about the SIRT treatment which I have had on the back burner to use when all else fails. Dr K suggested it may be wise to draw this wild card sooner than later. The reason being the longer I am on Chemo the more it is eating my body away, and may get to the stage where I will not pass the criteria to have the treatment. In amongst our conversation he alluded to the fact he was not confident the new treatment will have the effect I am expecting. Of course I am expecting to cure this terrible disease, but in reality that may not be the case. I will now contact the specialist down in Melbourne and start the process of preparing for the SIRT treatment. More than likely this will not take place for a few months by the time we get sorted. Not looking forward to it as everything I have read confirms it is very heavy duty and will take all my strength to go through the treatment. For now I will attack the tumors as hard as I can with the new drugs and hopefully have some good results soon.
Life goes on and I am still making sure I enjoy everyday.


  1. Hey Davo. What ever decisions you and Meghan come too will always be support by Wayne and me.
    All our love. M.I.L.and Wayno

  2. Hi David. My positive thoughts are with you. Be strong my friend and I will thinking of you. Cheers Sam

  3. David, you are such an amazing person; Miss you, Meg and Sammy. Love Lu xoxo

  4. Chook, thinking of u and sending nothing but positive thoughts, cheers vicki q x

  5. Every choice is a path unknown....Not easy choices, not easy paths...Thinking of you and yours David. Very Best of Wishes, Teena & Doug
